
Fallout shelter avoid level ups while training endurance
Fallout shelter avoid level ups while training endurance

fallout shelter avoid level ups while training endurance fallout shelter avoid level ups while training endurance

The goal of Fallout Shelter is not to get 200 dwellers or to build the biggest vault (most phones probably couldn’t even handle this), but rather to get every single weapon, outfit, and legendary dweller. I knew I would be committed when I saw the blank outlines in the Survival Guide. Being a game with no end goal other than eternal maintenance of your vault, Fallout Shelter falls into the last category. Most of the time it’s when you see the final cutscene, or when you beat the last level on the hardest difficulty other times it’s getting the Platinum trophy or unlocking all hidden secrets. You may be asking: “There’s an end to Fallout Shelter?” Yes, young Padawan, there is an end to all games, from traditional linear games to apps to MMOs.

Fallout shelter avoid level ups while training endurance